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Thank you for your support!
I am proud to be your School Trustee. Let's start building for the future.

Advance voting will begin October 3, 2022. Click here to find the dates and locations of where eligible voters will have the opportunity to cast their ballot.


After a great deal of consideration, I have decided to run for school trustee in the Winnipeg School Division, Ward 6. 


I believe I can make a positive difference for WSD students and their families. During my 34 years as a Community Liaison Officer/Intercultural Support Worker with the division, I witnessed the struggles, successes and triumphs of newcomer and racialized students. I am acutely aware of the challenges they face and what it takes to ensure that they, and all students, feel safe and welcome at school.


Representation matters. I believe I can be a voice for families in Ward 6 and make sure their concerns are heard at the school board level.


In the coming weeks I’ll be putting together my campaign, recruiting volunteers and gathering endorsements. Your support is so important!


To follow my campaign, please follow me on Facebook at


To register as a volunteer or request a lawn sign, please email me at


Make sure to vote! The election takes place October 26, 2022, but you can vote in advance from October 3 - 21, 2022! For information on when, where and how to vote, please visit  


For a map of WSD wards, please visit


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“I have known Perla Javate for over three decades as a Canadian Filipino leader with a passion for excellence and community engagement, and as a Community Liaison Officer/Intercultural Support Worker with the Winnipeg School Division.  Most assuredly, she will bring to the position of School Trustee the breadth and depth of knowledge gained from her 34 years of that work experience, including her appreciation of the demographic change in the School Division where Indigenous children, new immigrants and refugees now constitute close to two-thirds of the population. Added are her beliefs that education is the right of every child and childhood/adolescence is the prime time to prepare our adults of tomorrow for the challenges and callings of life. She is committed to quality education and safety for all children, the well-being of teachers and their professional development, administrative efficiency and fiscal responsibility. Your vote for Perla Javate is your participation in achieving our vision of well-educated children and youth in all our schools.”

(Sgd) Hon. Dr. Rey D. Pagtakhan, O.M., LL.D., SC.D., M.Sc., M.D. – Community volunteer and former School Trustee, Member of Parliament, Federal Minister, lung specialist and Professor of Pediatrics and Child Health at the Children’s Hospital and University of Manitoba Faculty of Medicine 

“Perla is a compassionate leader with many great qualities. She has an understanding of people and shows empathy for the issues that affect them. Perla has been an important voice in the past few years for the work of International Justice Mission Canada in advocating on issues of exploitation and slavery of children. She brings a global perspective into whatever area she is working on and has the natural ability to connect and collaborate. Perla would be an asset to the school and community in the role of School Trustee.”

David Pollendine – National Director of Development Growth, International Justice Mission Canada 



Perla Javate is a passionate community leader. With decades of experience in the social sector, Perla is aware of the challenges faced by WSD students and their families, especially new Canadians and vulnerable youth. She believes diversity if the WSD’s greatest strength and is devoted to ensuring students thrive and achieve their full potential.


  • Retired Community Liaison Officer/Intercultural Support Worker for the WSD

  • Named one of Canada’s Top 25 Immigrants in 2016 by RBC

  • Gold and Diamond Queen’s Jubilee Awards

  • Co-chair of the Ethnocultural Council of MB – Stronger Together

  • President of the Philippine Heritage Council of MB Inc.

  • President of the Coalition of Filipino-Canadians for Stronger Families Inc.



There is a great need for representation in our school division. Currently, over 60% of WSD students are Indigenous or racialized and their voices need to be represented at the school board level.


Having worked with WSD students and families for 34 years, I know what it takes to get them the support they need to thrive. Schools must be inclusive, safe learning environments for all children, regardless of their background or abilities. We must fight for programming, services and community partnerships that support their best interests.


I want to be part of an effective, transparent school board that meets the needs of students, families and teachers. As school trustee for Ward 6, I will be a voice for the residents in my area and bring their concerns to the forefront.

Get Involved




When does the election take place?

The 2022 Municipal Council and School Boards Election will take place October 26, 2022. People can also vote at the advance polls October 3 – 21, 2022.


How can I vote?

You can get more information, find your voting location, and register to vote by visiting

Skip the lines by voting in advance! Visit the City of Winnipeg website to learn where and when.


Where are the Winnipeg School Division ward boundaries?

Click here for detailed maps of all the Winnipeg School Division ward boundaries. Click here for a map of Ward 6.


Who can vote?

  • A Canadian citizen; and

  • 18 years of age or older on Election Day (Oct. 26, 2022); and

  • An actual resident of the School Division for a minimum period of 6 months; and

  • An actual resident in the School Division Ward on Election Day

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